High Definition TV News


In today’s HDTV marketplace, being flat and thin is the norm.
Traditional consumer electronics channels face increasing competition from discounters and non-traditional retailers, while a new generation of users is quickly emerging with requirements that are still unclear.
Amidst this shifting landscape how can you gain a unique standing and maintain competitive advantage?
Anyone curious to find the answers to the above would do well to get along to DisplaySearch’s HDTV 2008 Conference Confronting the New Reality (September 15-17).

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High Definition Multimedia Interface
(HDMI) has become the dominant interface technology for connecting HD devices, featuring in more than 70 per cent of digital televisions sold worldwide in 2007.
hdtv.biz-news.com asked Randy Lawson, senior analyst with iSuppli Corporation, about his new report Hogging the Spotlight: HDMI Growth Continues in Spite of DisplayPort.

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