User-generated video (UGV) is growing faster than expected fuelled by significant expansion in the Chinese market, according to a study by high-tech market research firm In-Stat.
The spiralling growth rates have led to forecasts for UGV use and revenue shifting upwards since last year.
Researchers at In-Stat found that total worldwide UGV revenue is expected to eclipse US$1.19 billion by 2012, with an estimated 160 billion UGV served videos forecast for 2012.
And with expectations of higher quality content, such as HD video, and increasing file size maximums, the demands on bandwidth are expected to continue growing at a faster rate than the number of files/videos served.
Michael Inouye, In-Stat analyst, said: “User-generated video (UGV) and the video sharing sites that exemplify this form of content have spread across the globe.
“China is a prime example of UGV’s global reach and appeal, capturing a significant portion of the world market, making it second only to the US.
“In general, viewing of online video has increased in the US in the past year, although participation is still stratified by age.”
The study, “User-Generated Video, A Global Stage for you”, also predicts that individuals who use mobile phones to participate in online video sites are most likely to contribute to the market (both financially and in terms of content).
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