Calls to retender a contract worth about $6 million that was awarded to an Ontario firm were rejected by a city committee, despite protests from MTS, the losing bidder.
Voice Over IP News
Ozeki has announced its next generation VoIP technology Ozeki Phone System XE, a software that made the company the first in the world to offer 3D video calls utilizing VoIP.
The telecommunication industry has had its roof blown off due to the immense demand for VoIP telephone services. Being 80% cheaper than traditional office phone systems, it also has features that enable SMBs to operate like other large companies. This has seen a mass exodus from the traditional telephone service to the new and cost effective next generation technology. has performed an in depth analysis of VoIP for business provider’s service plan, prices and customer reviews in order to assist customers to sort the good, the bad and the ugly in the industry.
Read moreAn intercom device for your home or small office has been built by two German companies. This system will give you an opportunity to talk to a visitor to your front door through your iPad, iPhone or android device.
Read moreTDS Telecommunication announced that it has been named as Polycom’s platinum level choice partner. Polycom is the international standards-based unified communications and collaborations. TDS has joined the selected group of VOIP providers in achieving the platinum status for the fourth year in a row. This status is achieved by less than 5% of service providers and it is based on their level of expertise, performance and experience.
Voip-Pal has indicated that its patent application Mobile Gateway has been approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office. Getting an allowance means that the application for Mobile Gateway patent has been closed. It’s issuance as a patent has also been allowed.
Infonetics Research, a market research firm, released its Enterprise Session Border Controllers report for the 2nd quarter of 2013 (2Q13). This report tracks the eSBC session shipments and vendor revenue.
Bentley Walker is planning to extend its service coverage to Libya. The company will make use of the Ka-band VSAT broadband platform provided by Newtec. The MDM2200 IP Satellite Modem will be used to deploy the services.
It is possible to use your cell phone as a VoIP phone through various apps. CSipSimple is an Android based app that enables cell phones to handle VoIP calls. Whenever a VoIP call is made, an answering screen comes in that is distinguishable from the normal calls. The dialer for VIP calls is also different from the normal calls. announced earlier in the week that it has subscribed to OTC Intelligence so that its investors can have free access to real-time in-depth market quotes – Level 2 – for Voip-Pal stock.