Samsung has dropped Ultra HD bombs with the start of New York CE Week. Last week, they announced new additions to their UHD TV lineup which includes another curved series as an addition to their repertoire, another flat panel in the HU6950 series, the HU7250 series, not to mention a brand addition to its HU8550 series: an 85-inch behemothzz.
The new UHD TVs stable boosts the company’s already established line-up to six series creating the largest selection of UHD TVs in the market. The newest UHD technology including HDMI 2.0, the (H.265) HEVC codec for the fastest 4K streaming at approximately 60 frames per second, and Samsung’s One Connect Box (upgradable) have been incorporated in the new TVs.
The 85-inch HU8550
This new monster addition to the HU8550 series is actually the small version of the largest in the HU8550 series stretching to 110 inches. HU8550 TVs are considered top-ranked series and provide a number of features including UHD precision black for clear contrast, dimming and blazing color performance not to mention the company’s cutting-edge smart technology. This 85-inch is set to be released next month priced at $10,000 which is $5,000 less compared to the 84-inch LG monster.
HU7250 series
Samsung is advocating for curved displays as the greatest and cutting-edge tech on Ultra HD TV designs through its commercials. With its new models; the 65-inch and 55-inch priced at $3,300 and $2,200 consecutively, you can say that the HU7250 series is the friendliest priced concave 4K UHD TV and it arrives in August.
Some of this series’ highlighted features include UHD Dimming, UHD upscaling and a Quad Screen Multi-link that gives viewers the opportunity to divide the screen to four parts allowing you to watch diverse sources at once. According to Samsung, the curved design delivers a better true to life experience.
HU6950 series
This series provides the most affordable way to acquire Samsung’s 4K TV brand. The HU6950 series has three new remarkably affordable models including a 40-inch, 50-inch and 55-inch TVs costing $1,000, $1,500 and $2,000 respectively. This series also comes with a fine selection of features including Quad Screen Multi-link, quad-core processors and UHD Dimming. The HU6950 series is scheduled for release in June.