During the iPhone 6 launch yesterday, Apple announced the Apple Watch, which is its first incursion into the world of wearable tech. The Apple Watch is a smartwatch with a rectangular face, swappable bands, sapphire glass, inductive charging, rotating digital crown, and a heartbeat sensor. You will have an opportunity to choose between 6 different straps, including a…

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Apple has just announced iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, two new models with 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch Retina HD displays, and packed with some new technologies in an all-new thin design. iPhone 6 features a 4.7-inch display with 1334 x 750 resolution (38 percent more viewing area than iPhone 5s), while iPhone 6 Plus features an even…

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Samsung are partnering up with Netflix, Amazon, Maxdome, Chili, and Wuaki.tv with the intent of incorporating loads of 4K Ultra HD content to their smart TVs. The South Korean electronics giant is expected to launch Amazon’s Ultra HD service in October. Meanwhile, Netflix’s 4K app is going to be stretched to Europe later this year,…

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There are many risks associated with using a free WiFi network to browse sites that house private information. It’s quite easy to scan a public WiFI network to get a list of all the IPs currently connected. Once a snooper has that list, there’s a large amount of things they can do with that information. They can, for example,…

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As the VoIP industry has grown in both importance and economic potential, unfortunately this has also resulted in fraud incidents becoming more frequent and damaging. As such, fraud is a very expensive problem for the industry and needs to be combatted. Consequently, many anti-fraud websites and networks have been established to report fraud and to…

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Speedflow, a telecom services provider and VoIP software developer with long-term industry experience, announced the release of a new version of its MediaCore Solution, which includes new “exciting and innovative” options adapted to all devices and applications. According to Speedflow, this is just one of many steps the company has taken to “keep up with modern technological…

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Apple and IBM announced yesterday an exclusive partnership to transform enterprise mobility through a ‘new class’ of business apps – MobileFirst for iOS that will bring IBM’s big data and analytics capabilities to iPhone and iPad. The partnership aims to ‘address key industry mobility challenges’ by creating: a new class of more than 100 industry-specific enterprise solutions…

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For the first time ever, an unlimited storage has been offered by a cloud file storage service at entry level prices. Google has released the much anticipated Google Drive for Work which presents unlimited storage for as little as US$10 monthly. Since a Google Drive for Work account with less than five users is limited…

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