
Whether you use an iPhone or an Android phone, chances are you already have Facebook Messenger installed. The good news however is that you no longer need to have a Facebook account to access Messenger.

As a Messenger user who doesn’t have a FB account you will now be able to use Messenger to send messages to other Messenger users who’ve also signed up without joining Facebook (discoverable by phone number) and also with those friends that have a Facebook account.

This recent move makes Messenger quite similar to WhatsApp, the popular messaging tool that Facebook acquired last year for a whooping $19 billion. WhatsApp has approximately 800 million users with Messenger coming in close with 700 million users.

With Facebook building a Messenger platform that is more than easy to use and now opening it up to non-Facebook users, it is unclear what the company sees for the future of WhatsApp. At the very least, acquiring WhatsApp ensured the massive user base could no longer be swooped by a rival company.


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