Hundreds of millions of people have used Virtual Network Computing’s (VNC) remote access applications on their PCs.

The Cambridge, UK-based company is now counting on the same success with its mobile version of allowing remote control both to and from smartphones.

Speaking to at the Smartphone Show in London, Andy Harter, CEO of VNC, said he expected the mobile edition to appeal to both IT departments and to consumers.

With increasing numbers of employees now equipped with high-end handsets, he said the mobile viewer could be used for solving technical difficulties for staff in the field.

The viewer could also give staff access to their office desktop machines if they needed to locate data not available on their handsets.

Supporting all the major mobile platforms, including Symbian, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, iPhone and Mobile Linux, VNC Mobile provides cross-platform compatibility.

Available in early 2009, no cost is yet available but Harter said the viewer would be priced sensibly.

He said the applications could also be available on feature phones at some time in the near future.

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