Almira Labs is a telecom software company focused on providing solutions for wireline and wireless telecom operators. The company offers innovative video, voice and media broadcast technology.
Posts Tagged: biztalk
We spoke to Paz Vigil from SME a Spanish company that was present at the Mobile World Congress. In the telecom sector they specialize in integrated solutions to locate and manage every kind of telecom appliances.
Freescale Semiconductors are embedded all around the world: in automobiles, computer networks, communications infrastructure, mobile phones, home appliances and consumer products that touch every aspect of peoples’ daily life. Frank Nicholis during the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona told what the company is doing on the consumer space.
SurfKitchen helps mobile operators and their partners overcome the discoverability, usability and fulfilment challenges typically associated with the delivery of mobile Internet applications and services on mass market devices. They have developed the SurfKit Mobile Internet Platform.
The Design Council is a UK organization that promotes the intelligent use of design. Robert Bult told us about the Design Out Crime initiative, one of its interests is to protect theft of mobile phones by encouraging less attractive design or harder access to phone data.
Steepest Ascent was one of the chosen companies to represent the UK at The UK Trade and Investment stand at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. The company was formed in 2004 and was founded by a critical mass of engineers who had extensive knowledge of DSP and digital communications systems and exploitable wireless/ mobile and DSP software IP.
Movirtu is a UK for-profit enterprise that provides innovative mobile technology and business models for wireless telecommunication service providers servicing rural poor communities in Sub-Sahara Africa and South Asia. Their technology makes shared access to basic mobile phone services a reality.
Eseye is a Machine to Machine (M2M) service provider with its own infrastructure (APN) and multiple operator interconnect agreements. They offer complete support services, from the initial engineering and product design phase (SIM integration) to fully launching connectivity (SIM provision).
TouchType specializes on next generation text prediction solutions. Ben Medlock, Founder and CTO, gave us a demonstration of their technology, it allows you to enter text and predicts the words that you are thinking about based on the context of the words you have already written.
UK Trade and Investment had a stand at the Mobile World Congress where eight UK companies where represented. We spoke to Jonathan Morgan, Director of Hypertag, the company sends content to mobile phones which is free for user to download via Bluetooth of wi-fi.