Posts Tagged: market-data

Salary details, financial data, bank account details, sensitive business plans, notes from board meetings and personal medical details are being discovered by buyers of second hand smartphones.
Nearly a quarter of re-sold smartphones contain sensitive data, with BlackBerry owners identified as the worst offenders for discarding their handsets with company and personal information.

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The increasing numbers of smartphones on flat-rate data plans, coupled with ever-improving handsets, is leading to a surge in mobile search, according to comScore.
It has published the results of a survey which show that searching the internet from a mobile phone is gaining in popularity in the United States and Western Europe.

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Toshiba’s Strata CIX family of IP business communication systems has been named winner of Network Products Guide’s Best Products and Services Award in the 2008 VoIP category.
The annual award by the Silicon Valley publication on technologies and solutions, honors products and services that represent the rapidly changing needs and interests of the end-users of technology worldwide.

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Orange, a subsidiary of France Telecom, has deployed the ExaStore Clustered NAS System to serve as the storage back-end for its production and distribution of French football’s key Championship matches via its mobile network.
Orange’s 5.9 million subscribers will be receiving the French League 1 football on their mobile phones via VOD and general broadcast.

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