In a nutshell Voxbone provides services for telephone numbers also called DID numbers. The provision of these numbers to communication service providers exists so any type of company can be a VoIP company, it could be a call conferencing company, or it can be a call center.
Posts Tagged: service-providers
JAJAH CEO Trevor Healy talks to about the "sea change" currently taking place in the communications industry – and explains how that has resulted in JAJAH itself evolving from a consumer VoIP focus to become a global IP communications platform provider.
Billing can be a complicated process for VoIP service providers and calling card operators – especially if they want to diversify and offer more than one service.
In some cases customers end up receiving separate bills or a third system has to be used to generate them.
A growing number of UK broadband users plan to start using VoIP in their homes, according to research.
The study by consultancy Booz and Company found that 44 per cent of consumers plan to use VoIP in the next six months.
VoIP applications provider, BroadSoft, has acquired competitor Sylantro Systems for an undisclosed sum.
BroadSoft provides VoIP application software designed to enable service providers to deliver hosted telephony and multimedia services to businesses and consumers.