Posts Tagged: survey

Different nationalities have different preferences in their method of online shopping – website/mobile site vs. mobile application, according to a survey conducted by OHT-Mobile. The survey, conducted in February 2015, was jointly carried out with Google Consumer Surveys based on a representative sample of 800 respondents – 100 each from the US, the UK, Australia,…

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IDC today announced the results of a new survey revealing that mobile shopping "warriors" (hyper-connected individuals) and mobile shopping "warrior wannabies" (moderately connected individuals) will account for 28% or $127 billion of the $447 billion the National Retail Federation (NRF) predicts U.S. consumers will spend this holiday season.

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ChangeWave‘s latest smart phone survey of 4,028 consumers shows an explosive transformation occurring in consumer demand – resulting in some major new winners and losers for second half 2010. The survey took a close-up look at consumer demand for the new Apple iPhone 4 and the HTC Droid Incredible.

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Significant findings of AFCOM’s 2009/2010 Data Center Trends survey reveal that though threat of cyber terrorism is real, it is not being adequately addressed by the world’s keepers of the most confidential financial, military and personal data.

Survey also reveals that despite hype around cloud computing, only 14.9 percent of data centers have deployed cloud solutions to date – and it shines a new light on the fate of mainframes.

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A recent IDC survey investigating server virtualization deployments in vorious organizations reveals that the technology is transforming server, storage, and networking infrastructure and even more so the way their datacenters are and will be built and managed.

The survey also suggests that many users are pushing their virtual server environments to the limits, which is causing several problems, such as virtual server sprawl and storage I/O bottlenecks.

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Infonetics Research released results from its IMS Plans: Global Service Provider Survey. It shows that 80% of Infonetics’ service provider respondents run fixed voice over IMS today or will by 2011 and that more than half of the service provider respondents plan to deploy video telephony and converged mobile/fixed-line services over the next 12–18 months.

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Senior datacentre professionals in Europe are increasingly concerned about the potential impact of green regulations on corporate datacenters, according to a survey.
A similar study carried out in the US found that significant shifts have occurred over the past 12 months in datacenter strategies – but concern for regulation is a major driver in 2009.

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