Rebtel is the largest VoIP service in the world after Skype, and has been working hard to close that gap in recent months. This week they took another large step towards further industry dominance, with the launch of a Rebtel app specifically for the Windows Phone.
Posts Tagged: windows-marketplace
Consumers will spend $6.2 billion in 2010 in mobile application stores while advertising revenue is expected to generate $0.6 billion worldwide, according to market research firm Gartner.
The new phones will be the first to feature Windows Mobile 6.5, the latest version of Microsoft’s mobile phone software.
The company didn’t unveil any new details, they just promised “easy-to-use user interface”, “better browsing capabilities” and “access to valuable services”, which will be Windows Marketplace for Mobile (the company’s app store) and Microsoft My Phone (backup cloud service), that are also set to launch on October 6.
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