It seems as if 2012 will go down as a turning point in the rise of VoIP. According to a recent report by industry analyst Visiongain, global VoIP revenues will reach $65 billion in 2012.
Telecom companies are probably going to be the biggest losers, as VoIP giants like Skype continue to increase market share and revenues. Mobile providers are doing their best to buck the trend, but it seems consumers, enjoying the inexpensive service and expanding capabilities of VoIP providers, are determined to move their business.
The global financial picture remains murky, and VoIP service has built their reputation on cheap, reliable video and audio calling. Add that economic uncertainty to the increasing proliferation of tablets and smartphones, and you’ve got a situation where VoIP should only continue to grow. extensive catalog of voip providers, available software and hardware resources.
Visiongain authored a report that takes a look at the next five years in the VoIP market. According to their analysis, the potential for growth is limitless, and it is only missteps in strategy that could sink emerging and established companies. With an increasing user base and significant revenues, VoIP services can no longer be threatened by traditional operators. In fact, it is telecom companies that are facing the need to adapt.
The detailed report brought together nearly sixty graphs, tables and charts to back up the accrued data. Visiongain projected market trends both internationally and in five particular regions. The report also took a look at some of the market’s leading companies, and interviewed key leaders in the VoIP landscape.
Anyone interested in the changing trends, or considering investing in a VoIP provider would be wise to take a look at the compiled data. Elements of the report can be downloaded free of charge from the Visiongain website.