InterAct, a provider of software for enterprises and government agencies, announced the successful integration with proposed Next Generation 9-1-1 architecture.
The company is one of the first two nationwide U.S. vendors to achieve this integration. It is also the only provider to completely process end-to-end NG9-1-1 calls from the caller to the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Geographic Information mapping systems (GIS) using nothing but IP connections.
At NENA’s 2009 conference, InterAct showcased its ability to route wireless 9-1-1 calls into the DOT public safety test system and instantly deliver all data associated with the call to a full dispatch position without the use of legacy tone-based caller identification or serial subscriber lookup.
A wireless 9-1-1 call placed from the NENA 2009 Conference in Ft. Worth, Texas was immediately routed through InterAct’s Next Generation IP-enabled 9-1-1 controller in Ottawa, Canada back to a call-taker position in Ft. Worth. Simultaneously, the automatic location information (ALI) was sent from the controller to an InterActCADtng server in Winston-Salem, NC and transmitted over a low bandwidth wireless network using an air card to a dispatch position in Ft. Worth where the caller location was plotted on the InterActGIS map display, and a call created in the InterActCADtng workstation. With this accomplishment, InterAct demonstrated that it is possible to dispatch incident response personnel from anywhere in the world.

“9-1-1 centers have a dire need for Next Generation capabilities,” said Brian Fontes, CEO of NENA. “Regardless of whether a caller dials 9-1-1 from a wired, voice-over-IP or wireless phone, the location information should be instantly transmitted to the correct public safety answering point. Next Generation 9-1-1 makes this possible and enables the PSAP to receive and react to multimedia messages that cannot be handled by the current system”.
Using NG 9-1-1 technology not only will agencies be able to communicate with citizens via text and video messages, but they can also choose to centralize all public safety equipment to drive down costs and collaborate with other agencies, while keeping dispatchers in the local communities they know best.