For 7 years, Speedflow‘s MediaCore Solution has been meeting the VoIP and SMS needs of telecom carriers. The platform’s customer base is constantly growing as it brings unprecedented results. The MediaCore helps our customers to develop their business, with most of them upgrading their license in the first year after the MediaCore implementation.
To maintain its position as a trusted and reliable platform, Speedflow always enhances the MediaCore and implements new features. Recent upgrades have introduced Jurisdictional routing and LNP/MNP options to provide greater flexibility for American operators. We also provide customization to meet the unique needs of VoIP providers.
Speedflow values the safety of our clients’ data, and the company provides up-to-date data security mechanisms with the Solution. The MediaCore also enables SMS services. This option allows our customers to diversify their business and to maximize their profit through a single platform. Speedflow always keeps customers at the cutting edge of market trends by providing greater options with each new MediaCore release.
To test the MediaCore Solution absolutely free of charge, please contact our Software Sales Department at [email protected].
Also check out: Speedflow – Company Profile