Now at the third edition, Ericsson Mobility Analysis Report, created by one of the greatest players in the telecom market, highlights some interesting aspects of the market in the quarter ended and makes a series of forecasts for the next six years.
Posts Tagged: ericsson
Ericsson chose the Swedish city of Kista to demonstrate the next stage of development of the LTE communications technology, called LTE Advanced, which can provide data transfer speeds over 10 times higher than those currently available of the LTE users.
AT&T announced the selection of Alcatel-Lucent and Ericsson as equipment suppliers for the planned deployment of its LTE mobile broadband network. The company is planning a first field trials of LTE later this year. Commercial deployment is scheduled to begin in 2011.
Danish and Swedish consumers can look forward to four times faster mobile broadband as operator 3‘s network speeds leap from 21Mbps to 84Mbps.